Group Pastel

Beyond creation and art.

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Get To Know Us.

We provide a hand to extraordinary people and companies. Our members are provided custom-built purposeful strategic tools and specific services to further prosper and grow for positive global impact.

"Never discourage any man who continually makes progress, no matter how slow." ― Plato

Bellwether Individuals

A person that assumes the leadership or forefront by showing what the general future of changes or developments will be. Pace-setters or trend predictors are the people we work with.

Bellwether Organizations

A company that is worth watching closely because its earnings logically suggest a larger economic trend and impact is to investors a bellwether. If a company is viewed as pointing towards a distinctive trend in a sector to let humanity prosper fairly, we help them.

"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving." ― Albert Einstein

What We Do.

We provide a hand to extraordinary people and companies. Our members are provided custom-built purposeful strategic tools and specific services to further prosper and grow for positive global impact.

"You are too important to the bigger picture to just fall off the canvas." ― Johnnie Dent Jr.

Executive Lodging

People who travel and stay away from home for more than a day need lodging for sleep, rest, food, safety, shelter, storage of luggage and access to common household functions. These lodgings resemble a home-away-from-home with a spacious bedroom, easy bathroom, a fully stocked kitchen with full-size appliances, and designer furnishings. They are fully furnished, a cut above the typical hotel room and offer boutique hotel amenities like housekeeping and around-the-clock e-concierge. Businesses will choose to book short-term executive lodging when their associates are on long-term assignments in a new city or as a place to return to, when work calls for multiple trips to the same area.

Brand Identity

Beyond saving the company money on promotion, a successful brand can be one of the company's most valuable assets. Brand value is intangible, making it difficult to quantify. Still, common approaches take into account the cost it would take to build a similar brand, the cost of royalties to use the brand name, and the cash flow of comparative unbranded businesses.


In the art world, due in part to the growth of graphic novel and video game industries, illustration is now becoming a valued art form, capable of engaging a global market. Original illustration art has been known to attract high prices at auction. Technical and scientific illustration communicates information of a technical or scientific nature. This may include exploded views, cutaways, fly-throughs, reconstructions, instructional images, component designs and diagrams.

Product Strategy

It involves describing a vision of the future with your product, your ideal customer and your market to serve, go-to-market and positioning (marketing), thematic areas of investment, and measures of success. A product strategy sets the direction for new product development. Utilizing the product strategy in strategic planning and marketing sets the direction of the company's activities. The product strategy is composed of a variety of sequential processes in order for the vision to be effectively achieved. The strategy must be clear in terms of the target customer and market of the product in order to plan the roadmap needed to achieve strategic goals and give your customers better value.

Industrial Design

All manufactured products are the result of a design process, but the nature of this process can vary. It can be conducted by an individual or a team, and such a team could include people with varied expertise. It can emphasize intuitive creativity or calculated scientific decision-making, and often emphasizes a mix of both. It can be influenced by factors as varied as materials, production processes, business strategy, and prevailing social, commercial, or aesthetic attitudes. Industrial design, as applied art, most often focuses on a combination of aesthetics and user-focused considerations, but also often provides solutions for problems of form, function, physical ergonomics, marketing, brand development, sustainability, and sales.

Graphic Design

As an interdisciplinary branch of design and of the fine arts, graphic design is an applied art that transforms a linguistic message into a graphic manifestation. Its practice involves creativity, innovation and lateral thinking using manual or digital tools, where it is usual to use text and graphics to communicate visually. Usually, graphic design uses the aesthetics of typography and the compositional arrangement of the text, ornamentation, and imagery to convey ideas, feelings, and attitudes beyond what language alone express. The design work can be based on a customer's demand, a demand that ends up being established linguistically, either orally or in writing, which is why we always start with storytelling.

"Do the thing you are afraid to do and the death of fear is certain." ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Connecting To Our Brand.

You will only be able to connect with us through the warm introduction by someone of our network or through one of our daughter brands. When you reach out, Group Pastel methodically balances your answers to establish your ethos and ethics in regard to our alignment. If found in harmony we will contact you.

"Having Arrived At The Frontiers, Turn Not Back." ― Pythagoras